Mingxuan Yan


Me at La Jolla, San Diego, CA

About Me

Hi there! I am Mingxuan Yan (pron: Ming-shwen Yen), a first-year PhD student at University of California - Riverside. I am currently a member of TASL under the supervision of Prof. Jiachen Li. Before that, I obtained my bachelor’s degree at Wuhan University of Technology, following a master’s degree at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Research Interests

My major research interests now emphasis on causal machine learning (CasualML), which formalizes the data-generation process as a structural causal model to gain fine-grained control of machine learning algorithms. Previously, I conducted some researches on video compression & streaming for both human & machine perceptions.


Jul 1, 2024 Joined TASL as a PhD student! 🤗🔬
Aug 6, 2023 One paper ‘‘Think before You Leap: Content-Aware Low-Cost Edge-Assisted Video Semantic Segmentation!’’ has been accepted by ACM Multimedia 2023! 🎉✨
Dec 2, 2022 One paper ‘‘From Ember to Blaze: Swift Interactive Video Adaptation via Meta-Reinforcement Learning’’ has been accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2023!🎉✨

Selected Publications

  1. MM’23
    Think before You Leap: Content-Aware Low-Cost Edge-Assisted Video Semantic Segmentation
    Mingxuan Yan, Wang Yi, Xiao Xuedou, Luo Zhiqing, and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), 2023
  2. INFOCOM’23
    From Ember to Blaze: Swift Interactive Video Adaptation via Meta-Reinforcement Learning
    Xuedou Xiao*, Mingxuan Yan*, Yingying Zuo, Boxi Liu, and 3 more authors
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2023
    * indicates equal contribution